Monday, October 26, 2009

October 25

Bob worked this morning, so I did a few chores then decided to wander off to the markets. Big mistake to not leave until around 9 am as it's impossible to get a park! We usually always head off before 7am, so I'll remember to stick to that in future. I gave up on finding a park and came back to the shopping centre to get a couple of things I missed yesterday. Ended up finding Jon's 21st birthday present and a couple of Christmas gifts, so that was a bonus.

Daniel came over at lunch time and brought his little puppy with him. She is sooo cute! She's about 10 weeks old now and is a blue heeler puppy named Missy. We had lots of fun with her and she eventually wore herself out.

October 24

We had planned to go for a paddle over to Coochiemudlo Island today but didn't end up getting prepared (picnic stuff) when Jamie came over last night, so Bob organised that before we left this morning. Unfortunately by the time we got out to where we leave the mainland, it was 8.30am and the wind had picked up making it way too choppy for our little kayaks. Ah well, another day.

We came home and went for a paddle in the canals instead, but it was still windy enough to make it a little challenging at times.

We did a little shopping after that and were on our way home when we had a phone from Jon saying he needed me to take him to the Dr's as he had an infected leg. His trip to the doctor's turned into a trip to hospital for some IV antibiotics, followed by a trip to the pharmacy for some oral antibiotics as well. Hopefully they will settle the infection down soon.

October 23

Ah Friday! I love Fridays ~ pity they disappear so fast though. Although every day seems to do that lately.

Bob's son Jamie turned up not long after I finished work and ended up staying the night. I watched a movie while the guys did some talking. Love Actually makes for a great start to the weekend.

Today's pic is of an underwater flower.

Friday, October 23, 2009

October 22

Dad's 79th birthday today. He's doing well and will probably go out to lunch for his birthday. Tiara had a little birthday party at McDonalds this afternoon so went there after work. She had so much fun. Nick & Jess are getting excited as it's only 2 days until they're off to Vanuatu.

October 21

Hump day. It's Wednesday and I can't wait for the weekend. It's Tiara's 3rd birthday today ~ where has that time gone! She's so cute and funny. Went to painting class tonight and as always, it was lots of fun. Don't think I've added a pic of the flowers finished, so will put that in for this post.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

October 20

Have taken a mental health day from work today. Didn't sleep well last night, felt tired and cranky, and had a niggly headache. Felt really bad taking the day off though so that probably hasn't helped me any when I have a guilt complex about it all.

I did go for a short paddle this morning, not far in light of the distances I have been going lately but it's still some exercise for the day.

Finally sorted out some paperwork that has been waiting for way too long for me to do something about, so there has been a little productivity for the day. I also have pottery tonight and haven't been for a couple of months, so looking forward to that.

October 19

Gosh, where did the weekend go?? It seems to go faster and faster every weekend.

Today I went for a longer paddle than usual. I've been really good this last week and have gone out every day. I decided to paddle out to Cleveland Point ~ boy oh boy is that a long way when you're not used to going that far. Probably would be more fun to do with company than on your own though.

Bob met me out there when I arrived and helped me get the kayak out of the water, then told me by the way, we're locked in. Turns out the area is still blocked off after filming finished on the Narnia movie and it's now considered a construction zone while they put everything back how it was. Apparently the 100 m exclusion zone is still in force. Oops!! A security guard had to let us out and he gave us bit of a lecture while he did so. At least he wasn't too grumpy about it.

October 18

We didn't even venture out of the house today! Well around the yard and I went for a kayak, but we didn't go anywhere. Actually, I tell a fib. Now I come to think of it, Bob went to work for a few hours and I stayed home! Poor guy but he seemed to enjoy his morning and said it was really productive. Nick & Jess came over for a while on their way out to dinner at Jess's parents place, so we were able to give Jess her birthday gift for yesterday and Tiara's for her birthday on the 21st.

October 17

Enjoyed a lazy Saturday. Didn't do much in the way of housework, although we did wander off to get some groceries and buy Jess a birthday present as it is her 25th birthday today. We had chinese food for dinner and a reasonably early night.

October 16

I caught up with a couple of my friends from college tonight. Beck and Shelley came over and we went over to Hogs Breath Cafe for dinner. Delicious food and lots of laughter ~ what more could one want!

October 15

Went shopping for some shoes this evening as I don't have any decent or comfortable ones suitable for work now. Finally found a pair when I was about to give up.

I have a sunflower that has sprung up in the backyard where the guinea pigs spent some time. It's managed to survive the lawn mower and has now started flowering.

Can't really recall what else happened today, so mustn't have been anything rivetingly exciting!

October 6-14

Hmm, so unlikely is this? Here I am, two weeks have passed this time since my last post and I'm wondering exactly how much am I going to remember? I'm guessing not a great deal apart from days where things stand out. I was thinking I might start from today and work back, so at least my postings will stay in some kind of chronological order but that could make for a mammoth post, so perhaps I'll do the first week all in one post and aim for daily updates after that.

October 14

We had group supervision at work today and it actually went really well. I think it was the most productive group session I've ever experienced.

I also had painting tonight and managed to start and finish a new watercolour. I'm very happy with the result and think I will do another similar one just because I can.

October 13

We had a student start at work today, I'll be here supervisor while she's on placement. Pottery was supposed to start back tonight but I didn't get there ~ oops!

October 12

Loraine is arriving in Brisbane today. She's flown up to spend some time with her Mum this week as her mother's alzheimers is progressing. I'm hoping to catch up with Loraine later in the week.

October 11

Had a quiet but nice Sunday and had all the family over for dinner. The little ones are growing so fast! Both of them are quite entertaining in their own little way.

October 10

Today is Murray's 45th birthday. I was unable to get him on the phone so have left him a message. Will hopefully hear from him soon.

October 9

Well, technically today is my 27th wedding anniversary seeing as how I'm still legally married. I've been separated 6.5 yrs now which seems to have flown. It still manages to bring up lots of emotions if I let it.

October 8

Today is my friend Loraine's birthday. Tried a couple of times to phone her, first time she was sleeping and the second time she was out for dinner. Will catch up with her soon, or if all else fails when she gets to Brisbane.

October 7

Can't remember much of what happened today other than going to art class in the evening where I finally finished my flowers in watercolour. I've been working on a second one at home for the practice and I think I prefer the second one. I'm planning to get one of them framed for Mum & Dad for Christmas.

October 6

I have no idea what happened as I can't quite remember that far back. I would have gone to work but other than that, it's anyone's guess!

Monday, October 5, 2009

October 5

Had a full day at work and dropped in to visit my friend Kath on the way home.

Got home to find out that Josh was pulled over when driving home this afternoon. Apparently Sarah hasn't yet changed her address and her car registration (and insurance) has expired, so Josh is in trouble for driving an unregistered and uninsured car. Not exactly what he needs right now.

I feel like I've had about as much as I can handle right now.

October 4

Another night of not sleeping well. I'm looking forward to the end of the bad sleep run!! Daylight savings started this morning here in NSW so we had to remember to get moving an hour earlier.

We went and checked out the markets for a while before heading home. Quite a nice little market with lots of lovely stuff. Would be a good place to do some Christmas shopping. Got drenched when it started to rain and we decided to continue looking because we only had 3 lanes to go ~ crazy! Grabbed some delicious thai fish cakes while Bob went to get the car. Poor guy slipped over on the way and got even more wet than he already was, plus he broke his thongs (aka flip flops not as in underwear!).

Decided we'd had enough of Byron and headed back home for a quiet afternoon before being joined by some of the boys for dinner.

October 3

Was awake early so we wandered into town and had breakfast at a little coffee shop ~ very yummylicious. From there we went up to the Byron Bay lighthouse and managed to see a couple of whales playing. Would love to have seen more, but alas, they were all swimming underwater.

Had a nice day just wandering about and not doing too much at all. It was very busy down there, so probably wasn't the best choice of places to stay considering how I was feeling. Ah well, that happens.

October 2

Didn't sleep well at all last night, too keyed up about today. About a half hour before leaving for court, I got that silly cough back.. the cough then puke one. Just what I don't need. Decided against breakfast for obvious reasons and finished getting ready. Went to back out of driveway and ran into Bob's car. Hmm, perhaps I shouldn't be driving. Bob kindly relieved me of driving duties!

Everything went as ok as it could in court today thankfully. But jeez, what a horrible horrible day. I hope I never have to experience a day like it again.

After all that nonsense was done and dusted, Bob & I headed down to Byron Bay for the weekend.

October 1

Busy day at work. Dan & Sidonie stayed over as Dan has to attend court tomorrow. Almost locked keys in car.. thought I had actually but lock didn't catch properly, lucky me hey!

Talked with Mardi tonight. Nice to catch up with her. She's doing ok and hanging in there.

Hoping to get some sleep tonight.

September 30

I know I went to work and I also attended my art class. Thoroughly enjoyed the art class as always, but was tired as I hadn't been sleeping well. Not sure what else happened though.

September 29

Late again! What can I say, it was a crappy week.

To be honest, I can't even remember what happened last Tuesday other than I went to work, so it must have been just another day.